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The Results screen is a special screen in Friday Night Funkin'. It appears after the player completes a level in Story Mode or completes a single song in Freeplay. It was added in the WeekEnd 1 update.


After completing a level in Story Mode or a singular song in Freeplay, the game tallies up all the notes the player hit, their max combo, all the ratings the player received, the number of notes missed, and then finally the score. If the player's new score is higher than their previously recorded one, the game will display "NEW HIGHSCORE" right above the player's points.

In the background, there is scrolling text that displays the selected difficulty, the song name, and the composer(s). If the player completed a level via Story Mode, then the name of the week will be displayed instead of the individual song.


See caption
A side-by-side comparison of the victory poses Alien Hominid and Boyfriend do in their victory animations.
  • In the files, there exists 3 different songs based on how the player performs, with corresponding animations likely to appear later. The files are named: "resultsSHIT", "resultsNORMAL", "resultsPERFECT". While the songs exist in the files, only the "resultsNORMAL" song plays in-game and there's only 1 version of the results screen, regardless of how well the player did. The songs and their appropriate animations will most likely be added in a future update.
  • As of the WeekEnd 1 update, only Boyfriend shows up on the results screen. This happens even if the player was playing as Pico during any of the Darnell songs. This will most likely change when more characters are added to Freeplay mode.
  • The pose Boyfriend does in his normal results animation is a reference to Alien Hominid, in which the titular character does a similar pose in his own results screen.
